Let me start by saying that the musical's vocals at the Epiphany Center for the Arts in 44, The unOfficial, unSANCTIONED OBAMA MUSICAL was outstanding, with some of the most impressive singing I've ever heard from a musical ensemble. The cast delivered an exceptional performance, making the experience truly unforgettable. However, it's important to note that if you align with Republican views, you might not appreciate the humor in this production if you can't separate your personal beliefs from the entertaining and comical content. The musical satirizes both political parties, portraying Biden as a buffoon and Hillary Clinton as a bitter and defeated figure. Sarah Palin is presented as the Republican Party's dim-witted sex toy, Lindsey Graham as a lesbian, the educational villain Ted Cruz, and Herman Cain as the token black. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell were often viewed as leading adversaries of President Obama and his administration, with critics using an unflattering nickname referring to John Boehner as "John Boner" and Mitch Mitchell as the pimp of the party. If you enjoy a blend of sarcasm and satire, with a mixture of whimsical, truthful content and fictional segments, then 44, The unOfficial, unSANCTIONED OBAMA MUSICAL is the perfect political play for you. The two-hour and thirty-minute Second City meets Saturday Night Live musical spoof packs a cheeky, entertaining punch.

44, The unOfficial, unSANCTIONED OBAMA MUSICAL is told through the eyes of Vice President Joe Biden. It discusses Obama's rise to fame and the trials and tribulations he experienced as President during his 2008/2012 terms. This production will have you laughing, from the song M.F.O., My Turn, Fillbusters, to the humorous lyrics from the song "Herman Cain" (using the music from Prince, Purple Rain) and Fuck You, Ted Cruz. The play has some inspirational songs (Red States, Blue States, How Black is Too Black, and Obama Cares, that touch on Obama's struggles in the White House and an emotional song about the school shooting in Sandy Hook, "Remember Me." However, one scene and song, "White House Love," where Barack and Michelle discuss making love in the White House, makes you wonder, "HWJK," How Would Joe Know? Eli Bauman, a former member of the 2008 Obama campaign, openly acknowledges his lack of qualifications and self-identifies as a buffoon. He has recently penned his inaugural musical, which serves as the subject of my subtitle. Additionally, Bauman has written all the original songs for this musical, showcasing his talent as a comedic genius. This promising production marks only the beginning of what appears to be a bright future for him in the entertainment industry. Speaking of a bright future, all of the performers truly shined. Featuring T.J Wilkins (Barack Obama) and outstanding singer, songwriter, record producer, actress, and dancer Shanice, who sings one of my favorite songs, "I Love Your Smile," in this play. Bauman spoof has the Obamas looking more cool than polished intellects, which plays to the stereotypical views regarding African-Americans' educational wit. The other cast members include an excellent performance by Larry Cedar as Mitch McConnell, Marqell Edward Clayton (Brother Abe Lincoln), the hilarious performance by Kelley Dorney as Hillary Clinton, Ally Dixon (Sarah Palin), Dino Shorte (Herman Cain), Michael Uribes (Ted Cruz), another exceptional performance by Jeff Sumner as Lindsy Graham, Producer, Kevin Bailey who played John Boehner and the incredible vocals of Summer Nicole Greer. The production also includes an exceptional five-member band comprising Anthony "Brew" Brewster, Conrad Bauer, Corey Cofield, Phillip "Fish" Fisher, and Greg Raymond, whose musical talents greatly enhance the performance.
I found many aspects of this play enjoyable. Still, I couldn't help but notice that it's yet another production centered on African-American experiences that wasn't written, directed, or produced by African-American creators. Chicagoland theaters should feature more theatrical plays and musicals that highlight African-American stories, and it's equally essential for major theaters to embrace plays and musicals created, produced, and directed by African Americans regarding other ethnic groups. The Epiphany Center for the Arts production of "44, The unOfficial, unSANCTIONED OBAMA MUSICAL" is scheduled to close this upcoming Saturday, August 17; this decision appears untimely, especially considering the Democratic National Convention will occur the following week. And what Democrat wouldn't like leaving Chicago laughing at a witty spoof geared against the Republicans? Make sure to check out this hilarious spoof before the end of the week. It's guaranteed to have you laughing every minute.
Epiphany Center For The Arts
Book, Music & Lyrics by Eli Bauman
Choreography by Miss James Alsop
Directed by Eli Bauman
Playing now - thru August 17, 2024